Your home always ready to go

Buy a campervan

Are you dreaming of doing the Australia loop on the road? Are you planning to embrace the nomad lifestyle? Are you a weekend adventure seeker? Then you have to own a “Home on the Road”! We offer affordable solutions to expensive RVs.

Be ready to travel when and where you want! Jump in a campervan and explore!

We are a registered W.A. Motor Vehicle Dealer and we convert and sell camper vans and 4x4s which are ready to travel around Australia and have a few months of WA rego paid. All the vehicles have had a recent service and safety check done by a certified mechanic. Each camper van and 4×4 is fully equipped and ready for your adventure.

Get in touch with us and come to our workshop to see our vans for sale!

Equipment list

All camping equipment included brand new in a bundle

The following extras can be added

Our benefits

Vehicle Dealer

We are a registered WA Motor Vehicle Dealer

Mechanical warranty

We can offer a nationwide mechanical warranty

3 day 100% money back guarantee

If there is a genuine and serious mechanical fault with the vehicle, we will refund the full value of the vehicle within the first three days

Try & Buy scheme

If you’re not sure about buying yet, you can rent a vehicle for up to 14 days and then we will deduct the rental fee from the sale price if you decide to buy it

Buyback guarantee

At the end of your road trip come back to our workshop: we will tell you how much your buyback will be – but if you can sell it privately for more go for it

Mechanical check and inspection

All the vehicles have had a recent service and safety check done by a certified mechanic. We will provide you with the latest service invoices

WA plate

the best and easiest plate to have if you want to sell your vehicle elsewhere in Australia